The McCain Life

Welcome to my everyday blog about my little family and our fun times at Hickam AFB on Oahu, Hawaii. I attempt to blog weekly and I usually share a lot of pictures! Follow my blog by subscribing to keep up to date with everything that is going on in paradise!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Sick Days

The past few days I've been sick, I'm pretty sure that it's a sinus infection. Michael had been feeling kinda sick earlier this week, but it seems that he has avoided the infection (lucky duck). Michael has been getting things ready for the Hawaii move and started taking his transition classes onto C17s. I've been trying to get better and watched most of the episodes of Law & Order: SVU. Guess that's what happens when you have lots of free time! Today Michael brought me home some beautiful flowers, I was so happy, it definitely helped me feel better.

I'm lucky to have such a great husband who is taking care of me while I'm sick! Hopefully I'll be better by the weekend so we can go out and have some fun. Otherwise it'll be a video game weekend! Which Michael will love.


Friday, September 7, 2012

First Post Woo!

So I decided that I had so much fun with our wedding blog that I wanted to keep a blog going! This will be an easier way for our family and friends to keep up with whatever we are doing in case we run into difficulties talking once we move (the 6 hour time difference is going to make communicating harder. I'll be posting some videos, pictures, and stories of all the things that we do. I'm really excited about this blog (I'm excited to start writing). Hopefully this will keep me entertained while we wait for the big move to Hawaii!

It may be a little while before I start writing more often, right now life is pretty clam. Michael is getting things ready for the move (paperwork wise) and I've been enjoying some down time, recovering from school and wedding planning. However we're both excited to start the move and to get to Hawaii. We're ready for the next chapter in our lives!
