The McCain Life

Welcome to my everyday blog about my little family and our fun times at Hickam AFB on Oahu, Hawaii. I attempt to blog weekly and I usually share a lot of pictures! Follow my blog by subscribing to keep up to date with everything that is going on in paradise!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

New Job!

Hello All,

I have exciting news, I finally was able to get a job out here in Hawaii! It is as a cashier at Target and I'm very excited about it. I should be working between 30-40 hours a week, which will be a big difference from my usual hanging around the house that I've been doing since I moved from Ohio November 2011.

I'm still waiting to hear back from The University of Hawaii, but I'm hoping I got accepted so that I can finally finish my degree. I'll be finishing my bachelors in History and I should be finishing my degree in May 2015.

Michael has been staying busy with work and preparing to study for a promotion he has coming up, I'm pretty sure he's going to do very well, as long as the video game Eve doesn't distract him too much.

Tony has been doing good too, he's become more cuddly lately however he's in for a change when I start work. He's used to having me home with him all day everyday, it's going to make me sad not seeing my baby kitten all day everyday.

For now not much is going on, we're just getting into the swing of all the changes that are going on here in Hawaii.


Monday, March 11, 2013

March 2013

Hello everyone,

Yet again it's been a long time since I last posted on the blog, it's mainly because of the lack of activities we have been doing here on the island. Lately we have been staying home more often and just enjoying the comforts of home here on the island. We have still been going out and about doing different activities, mainly going to the beach and enjoying the sun. We plan on doing more activities within the next few months, such as more beach outings and some hiking trips.

Michael also hopes to start school soon, if the Tuition Assistance Program doesn't disappear. I also plan on applying to college here soon, I'll probably be doing that after I am done with this post. I have also been trying to find a job, I've filled out so many applications and done a lot of searching, however I have yet to find a job. Tony is doing good here, we bought him a new bed that is actually big enough for him to lay in and he loves it. We have also been looking into getting a dog, I am open to any dog, however Michael has his specifics. I hope we can find one before I go to school in the Fall.

Other then that not much has really been happening for the McCain family here on Oahu. We miss our family and friends back in Ohio terribly and we miss our friends in Jersey so much! I should be coming to Ohio in the middle of July until the beginning of August so hopefully I can soak up as much Ohio life as possible while I'm there.

Our March in a Nutshell