The McCain Life

Welcome to my everyday blog about my little family and our fun times at Hickam AFB on Oahu, Hawaii. I attempt to blog weekly and I usually share a lot of pictures! Follow my blog by subscribing to keep up to date with everything that is going on in paradise!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Hi, My Name Is Katie & I Have Been Neglecting My Blog.

Way long time no talk! I can't believe that the last time that I blogged was in July, whoopsie. Not too much has changed since I blogged last, we have been living the daily life with a few eventful things happening. Where do I begin?

First off we have a new cat named Horus! He's a little black cat (as you can see below), who is very energetic, cuddly-yet mean, & he is obsessed with food. He will literally steal food off your plate if you aren't paying attention. We got him back in August from an animal shelter on the island called Joey's Feline Friends. He has made a great addition to the family, however there truly is never a dull moment in this house anymore. Horus is about 6 months old & is pure cat, one minute he loves you the next minute he wants nothing to do with you. He's fit in great with Tony, they've become brothers who occasionally get on eachother's nerves, however he has made Tony way more active & helped him to lose much needed weight. Him & Eeva are well, they have a complicated relationship. Eeva doesn't realize she's a big critter compared to him which often scares Horus, however whenever Eeva is passed out in her cage Horus loves to go sleep near her, it's an odd relationship. 

Eeva has been doing pretty good, she's still a constant terror but we've learned to live with it! She actually just "graduated" from obedience class, she has improved so much since I started taking her to Achilles K9 (, she is actually going to be doing a working dog class starting in 2 weeks. She is still constantly full of energy, however we have learned to manage it & help her burn it off. Eeva B also goes to doggie daycare once a week in order to get some socialization in, burn off some energy, & give me a chance to catch up on the cleaning since she keeps me busy whenever I'm not working. She is turning into a great dog, the only thing we have to work on with her is being gentle with the cats & her barking problems. Eeva has a very sensitive stomach which makes for some not fun times. She is on a special vet diet which is no fun because we love to spoil our pets with lots of treats, however we make it work. We've managed to regulate what she eats & were accident free for almost a month before Black Friday happened & I came home to a mess at 1:30 in the morning. BUT none the less we love her to death & she has definitely become my little baby, my mom was right, dogs really are like having a kid.

Meow we move on to Tony, not much has happened with our adorable first child. He has however lost a large amount of weight, he went from 22 pounds to 17 pounds! He still looks very big but that's because he's freakishly long. He gets along well with both the other pets, he also seems to enjoy the fact that we aren't constantly bugging him for attention, though sometimes I can tell that he is missing it. He still hates baths (unlike his brother Horus) & he will still eat anything that you will give him. He's our little golden pet because he doesn't do much bad things, however he has been chewing on my Christmas Tree lately...

As for Mike not much has changed for him either. He's still working the flight line & he has made some pretty good friends here, he still also keeps in constant contact with some friends back home by playing video games with them a lot, A LOT. He was also attending American Military University for a semester, however his TA got messed up this semester so he has to wait to start up classes again. I can't really ramble on about him as much like I can with the pets so.....

.....I've been doing great! I'm still working at Target in the front end, however I have started doing other jobs so I am not cashiering as much (& I love it!) I've been working on the end caps, side caps, & 1 Spot (the dollar area in the store). I keep it full & organize it on the daily, I surprisingly love it! I think it's because I get to organize things for hours (something I love to do). I have really been enjoying it! I also don't work as many hours as I used to when I first began, we decided that I needed to spend more time at home so that the dog wasn't in her cage all day & so that I can actually see Michael & spend time with him. Other then work not too much has been happening with me, I am however finally getting braces put on this coming Thursday. After years of being told that I need them I am finally biting the bullet & getting my teeth issues taken care of, the time to procrastinate is over. Other then that not much has changed for me, as I mentioned before Eeva just graduated from obedience class, that was something huge for me & her. I would spend hours training with her (as would Mike) in order to improve her disruptive behavior & it is finally paying off. I am really excited to start training her in working dog classes. I take Eeva on hour & a half walks almost every night, that's actually something that I look forward to everyday. I think that's how you know I've grown up, I look forward to walking my pup. I guess that's what happens when you turn 22.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Anniversary Photos!

Hello All,

This past week I had a small vacation from work and during that time I decided I would be productive and get stuff done. I had appointments for things I have put off, including dog microchipping and dentist appointments. However we had one very fun appointment set up, getting professional photos taken. We were really excited to have them taken and they turned out amazingly, most of you have probably seen them on Facebook but if not you can follow the link below and it will take you to an online album of them.

My vacation is almost over which kinda stinks, but I had a lot of fun relaxing and spending time with friends and the pets. Now it's time to get back into the swing of working and planning our next fun activity.


Wednesday, July 3, 2013

It's Been a While!

Hello All,

Long time no talk! It's been quite a busy time in the McCain house with trying out school, work, and the newest addition to the family I feel like we haven't done much worth talking about. However I want to get back into writing the weekly blog to keep everyone up to date with what is happening in our lives. So here is a quick catchup in a nutshell:

We got a cute puppy named Eeva, she's 4 months old now and she's a German Shepherd. She certainly is a handful, we've had her for about a month now and she's still as crazy hyper and annoying as she was when we first got her. The good news is that she's in obedience classes now so she will hopefully become easier to handle.

After playing with the hose on a hot day.

When it comes to school I was accepted into the University of Hawaii but I still haven't decided if I'm going to attend after doing some intense thinking. Michael also needs to get his bum into gear and decide what to do about school but working so much makes it hard to start school.

Speaking of work Michael and I are both working, Mike is still working maintenance on heavy air craft and I am still working at Target as a cashier.  I'm liking it, it's nice to get out of the house and make some extra money however I keep spending it all on stuff at Target that I want!

Tony is doing fantastic still, he's not too sure about the new sister he has but he likes playing with her, as long as he's up higher then her. He's still the little baby of the family and still acts like the star of the house (which he probably is). We also found out that he weighs 22 pounds, which means he's on a diet, and he's not a fan of it. He misses getting fed a bunch of food but we gotta keep our little kitten healthy!

His 2nd favorite spot in the house.
We haven't gone out and done too much stuff, ever since I started working and Mike being back on nights we just haven't had much time to do very much. However now that Mike is back on days hopefully we'll be getting out and about to do more stuff which means I will be blogging all about it!

I hope that everyone back home is doing well and that we get some new visitors here with us soon! We miss everyone and wish that we could go back and visit, unfortunately we won't be able to go back to Ohio until atleast next summer.

Hanging out on a beautiful Hawaii day.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

New Job!

Hello All,

I have exciting news, I finally was able to get a job out here in Hawaii! It is as a cashier at Target and I'm very excited about it. I should be working between 30-40 hours a week, which will be a big difference from my usual hanging around the house that I've been doing since I moved from Ohio November 2011.

I'm still waiting to hear back from The University of Hawaii, but I'm hoping I got accepted so that I can finally finish my degree. I'll be finishing my bachelors in History and I should be finishing my degree in May 2015.

Michael has been staying busy with work and preparing to study for a promotion he has coming up, I'm pretty sure he's going to do very well, as long as the video game Eve doesn't distract him too much.

Tony has been doing good too, he's become more cuddly lately however he's in for a change when I start work. He's used to having me home with him all day everyday, it's going to make me sad not seeing my baby kitten all day everyday.

For now not much is going on, we're just getting into the swing of all the changes that are going on here in Hawaii.


Monday, March 11, 2013

March 2013

Hello everyone,

Yet again it's been a long time since I last posted on the blog, it's mainly because of the lack of activities we have been doing here on the island. Lately we have been staying home more often and just enjoying the comforts of home here on the island. We have still been going out and about doing different activities, mainly going to the beach and enjoying the sun. We plan on doing more activities within the next few months, such as more beach outings and some hiking trips.

Michael also hopes to start school soon, if the Tuition Assistance Program doesn't disappear. I also plan on applying to college here soon, I'll probably be doing that after I am done with this post. I have also been trying to find a job, I've filled out so many applications and done a lot of searching, however I have yet to find a job. Tony is doing good here, we bought him a new bed that is actually big enough for him to lay in and he loves it. We have also been looking into getting a dog, I am open to any dog, however Michael has his specifics. I hope we can find one before I go to school in the Fall.

Other then that not much has really been happening for the McCain family here on Oahu. We miss our family and friends back in Ohio terribly and we miss our friends in Jersey so much! I should be coming to Ohio in the middle of July until the beginning of August so hopefully I can soak up as much Ohio life as possible while I'm there.

Our March in a Nutshell

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Elizabeth's Visit

Hello All,

Everything has been going good for us here on the island, not much has changed since my last post. Michael still enjoys his job and I still spend most of my days playing with Tony. However a few weeks ago we had our first visitor. My best friend Elizabeth came for a two week visit, it was a blast. We did a bunch of random things, going to the beach, shopping, taking pictures with Tony and with exotic birds, we did a lot. We also convinced her to come back every year that we are here! (Whoop Whoop)! It was so nice having her here, it was like having a piece of Ohio in Hawaii.

It's been a little over a week since she left and our lives have gotten back into routine. Mike found out a bunch of information about school so hopefully he'll be going back soon. I need to get my butt in gear and find out more information about what I need to do to get started in school. The job hunt is also still going on for me, hopefully something comes up soon because I need to save for my trip back to Ohio this summer. Until then my days will be Tony-filled, I can't complain too much.

Thursday, January 17, 2013


So it's been a very long time since I've had a new blog post, but honestly not much has really happened here lately until now. After being homeless for just shy of 2 months we finally moved into our house last Monday. We absolutely love it here! However there have been a few bumps along the way of unpacking, it seems that every time we went to unpack something happened. I was recovering from a staff infection when we first moved in and then after a few days here I broke out in an all body rash. We found out it was caused by an allergic reaction to some medication I was taking for the staff infection. However as soon as I got better Mike got worse! He has a cold that is turning into something worse (hopefully he gets to go to the doctor tomorrow).

After about a week though the house is almost done, we're waiting for a few more key pieces of furniture to be delivered before we can be officially unpacked and done getting the house ready. The furniture will be arriving on Tuesday afternoon (hopefully) which is also the same day that our friend Elizabeth will be arriving! We have our first visitor coming in less then a week! Hopefully we will be 100% healed by the time she gets here. We're both so excited to have someone visiting, it'll be nice to have a piece of Ohio with us for 2 weeks.

While she's here we'll be running all over the island, exploring and having a blast so I'll be sure to blog and post pictures about all that we do!

Tony is doing good too, cause I know your all wondering about our baby. He loves being able to run around and have his own space. However he has seemed to have turned into even more of a mama's boy within the last few weeks, I'm not sure what brought it on but I can't seem to go anywhere without him (including bathroom, he'll push the door open)!

The house should be put together next week so I'll be sure to take some pictures and post them on here for you to all to see! 
